Monthly Package
PRICE: $169.99 / €154.99

We will promote your website for 1 month through social media, advertisement, and search-engine optimization (with option for renewal once expired).
We offer this package to those wishing to see the capabilities of Aurora Visibility and Phantom SEO™. That being said, it will require more than just one month of promotion to see measurable results in website optimization. If you would like to ensure website optimization, we recommend to choose a more lengthy package, such as the Semi-Annual Package or Annual Package.
Our support will be available to you via e-mail 24/7. We will provide you with a basic report regarding your website’s analytics. We guarantee up to 50% of available Phantom Power will be used to promote your website for better search engine optimization.
We guarantee the best results for the cheapest price. We will improve your position on the internet’s most used search engines, to get you the results your business needs to succeed!